Sunday, January 28, 2007

Auggie likes Piero Umiliani

What? Who's Piero Umiliani? The long version of the answer is here:

The short version is that he was an Italian music composer who wrote a soundtrack for a 60's Swedish porn film, one song of which became a hit song (mah-nah-mah-nah) for The Muppets in 1977. Many people my age who were fortunate enough to watch Sesame Street and The Muppets during our formative years fondly remember Mah-Nah-Mah-Nah (The Muppet's version), and as it turns out, Auggie likes it too. The Swedish porn connection has been information best left unkown to me until now in my mid 30s, when I can fully appreciate it. Anyway, Auggie loves the song, and we're listening to it about one hundred times a day right now.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

morning laziness with toast and jam

Thursday, January 11, 2007

picture dump #2

The bear is having an early nap today, so here's the rest of the pictures. The train stuff is super cool, and he really digs it. We've also been playing with our new Ipod equipto. Auggie is a fan of many types of music. He knows (via Baby Einstein) all the orchestra instruments, so we've been listening to some classical lately. Last night we started to learn about "Tubby the Tuba". Maybe grandpa Bob can play that for him in person some time. He also loves anything with a strong bass line, like 80's rap and '90s electronica. I got him the Simon Harris anthem ("Bass, how low can you go?" from the mid '90s. He dances better than me, and when I say "BASS", he'll ask me in an energetic and low voice "How low can you go?". Yeah, we're dorks, but y'all knew that already. Later, Rob.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

picture dump #1

Hey. More pictures to come as time allows. Christmas was fun. Thanks to everyone for all the presents. Auggie got so much stuff he had to open his presents in two shifts-pre and post nap. Christmas is good when you're two and a half years old. We're working our way through all the kids books. "Hippos Go Beserk" and "Dooby Dooby Moo" are this weeks favorites, but trust me when I say he loves them all. We bought some new Thomas the Tank Engine train stuff with the money that was sent. We're gonna need a whole seperate room just for the track layouts pretty soon. Time to go have a bath. Check the upcoming picture dump #2 for more news. Rob.