Thursday, October 26, 2006

A few of the local animals

We had a picnic on Monday, 'cause it was like 75 degrees, sunny and clear. No wonder everyone wants to live in California. Auggie had a big time. He's starting to look a bit like Elmo, no?

In other news, our friend, Possum Jenkins, visited the deck over the weekend. We've sublet him some burrow space in the back yard near the fence. He's kind of a friendly fellow if you keep your distance, and he had some extra cute babies over the summer (sorry, no pictures). We also had a huge spider move into the front yard. We haven't named it as I don't think it will be around for too long.

Friday, October 20, 2006


We had our first major haircut ever. We've trimmed his hair pretty regularly, but have never actually given it a proper cut. I'm not sure I'd call this "proper", but it seems okay after a week or so. I started with the #8 clippers, thinking that I'd just take off a little. Well... a little became a lot, and now he looks much more boyish. He hated the process, but seems to enjoy having less hair in his eyes all the time.

Turns out that he loves hanging out in the back of the pickup while I work in the garage. I can put him in there with some books and toys and he's good for 30 minutes or so.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Pictures from the last month or so

Here's some pictures and a YouTube movie (cut and paste the link from above, I can't make an actual "clickable" link out of it to save my life!!) from the last month. I can't believe it's been a month since I posted... maybe it's all the bike racing and traveling. All is well here. Auggie is turning into a soccer superstar. Jen gets sworn into the State Bar on November 3rd. I've been racing "cross" for about a month, and I suck as much as usual. Check out the new Michelin tires on the truck in the background. Ski Season here we come!! Over and Out.